21-01-19 | MIND | happiness |

Vegan food diary review: how was my first week as a veganista?

Last week I told you that I would challenge myself by eating vegan for one week. Veganism is becoming more and more on trend these days and I wanted to try it out. I promised you guys to share my experiences with you, so: how did I survive a 100% plant based diet for seven days straight? What was the most difficult and challenging and what aspects did I really like or dislike? Here is my vegan food diary review! Read More…

22-12-18 | MIND | happiness |

Secret revealed: why NOT to diet during the holidays

Ho-ho-hoooo! It’s almost the most wonderful time of the year again: Christmas! This means we’re all in full holiday spirit and eating is a big part of this. In a way that may not fit your healthy lifestyle completely… Although it’s tempting to start or continue to (crash) diet these days, I want to tell you why I believe it’s better NOT to diet during the holidays at all Read More…

03-11-18 | MIND | happiness |

Got the winter blues? Learn to beat it right now!

Winter has settled down and we’re slowly getting into the colder and darker days. The holidays can bring magical moments, but this season may also have a downside to it. It can make us a little less energetic than other seasons, because the winter blues can really get to us. For me it does, until I found a way to easily Read More…

27-10-18 | MIND | happiness |

Colds and flu: 6 tips to prevent getting sick

With the switch to a new season getting sick seems almost inevitable BUT it doesn’t have to be like that! There are certain actions you can undertake to limit your chances of getting that annoying cold or even the flu. Here are my 6 tips to boost your immune system and Read More…

29-09-18 | MIND | happiness |

Goodbye #fitgirl, hello my realistic beauty ideals!

The past couple of years social media has gotten a huge influence and the fit trend is growing like crazy. The awareness for a fit lifestyle is a good thing, though it seems to get a bit out of control lately. Instead of working on a good health, the world is becoming obsessed with food, fitness and perfectly toned bodies. Read More…

18-09-18 | MIND | happiness |

How sleeping influences your health and happiness + tips to boost!

Something we all have in common is the need of having a good night’s sleep. It’s something we easily take for granted, but sleep has a lot more influence than you might expect. I’ve learned that the hard way by being in sleep therapy for a couple of months, but I’ve learned how to boost sleep quality and improve your health and happiness. And I wanna share my tips with you.. Read More…

05-09-18 | MIND | happiness |

September happiness: how to maintain positive summer feelings

September is here and that means that summer is practically almost over… However, that is no reason to shine less! The past weeks with loads of sunshine have been giving us energy and positive, happy feelings which we should hold on to. Want to know how to keep up the positive summer feelings? Read More…

11-06-18 | MIND | happiness |

What you need to know to get a glowing and healthy skin

It’s time for some beauty talk, beauties 😉 I’m always getting questions about how I get my skin to look the way it does and I think that’s an interesting subject to tell you more about. So today I’m sharing with you some Carolina tips and tricks on how to get a glowing and healthy skin! Read More…

30-04-18 | MIND | happiness |

5 important tips to de-stress and relax for better health

Have you still got some Sunday spare time or are you just as busy as most of us these days? All those daily activities, tasks and responsibilities give us little time to relax. The body and mind are quite well connected and all this stress can have more influence than you might think! Of course we don’t Read More…

29-03-18 | MIND | happiness |

Sleeping beauty: getting rid of sleeping problems

Sleep is something that is underrated if you ask me… For a long time I’ve had to deal with the struggle of not being able to sleep and all the consequences that came with it. Now I’m doing better than ever and I want to share my tips to ditch any sleeping problems! Read More…