07-02-19 | Food | weight-loss |

A gluten-free diet: hype or necessity?

Are you still consuming gluten or have you committed yourself to eating gluten-free? There seems to be an upcoming aversion against gluten. I hear it…

26-06-17 | MIND | happiness |

Low mood? 5 easy ways to feel super all day!

Work, exercising, social activities, household chores, etc. etc. – we’re keeping ourselves so busy nowadays, that some moments it all just gets the best of…

17-04-16 | Food | snacks |

Power snack: peanut butter energy balls!

Do you feel like your lunch isn’t getting you to dinner? Almost falling asleep behind your desk? Hungry after 1 hour you eat? Me =…

28-07-15 | Food | snacks |

Healthy choco-nuts muffin madness

How about some muffin madness with chocolate and mixed nuts girls?! I was craving for a “muffin moment” and the recipe that came out of…