18-03-17 | Food | snacks |

Snack away with yummy goat cheese balls

When it comes to savory snacking it can be a challenge to fit this into your healthy diet, without it getting boring. A hand of raw nuts is great for snacking and can be very satisfying, but sometimes you just want something different and then it can be hard to resist the nacho chips with dip for example. But do we really need to stuff ourselves with Read More…

26-01-17 | MIND | happiness |

My story: from being overweight to orthorexia to 100% healthy

Some of you might know already about my personal weight-loss transformation, and some of you might not. The Foodie-ness blog is a product of my personal transformation and the current journey towards health that’s still work in progress.. Today I’m talking about my personal story, emotions and struggles. I hope it will turn out to be at least a little motivation boost, piece of inspiration or form of support to you 🙂 Read More…

23-01-17 | Food | dinner |

Mediterranean feelings with fresh and healthy falafel

Do you like to experience different styles of healthy dishes as much as me? Then I’m sure you will love this fast and very tasty recipe from the Mediterranean cuisine! I’m talking about healthy falafel: little burgers based on chickpeas. They are super easy to make, so don’t hesitate Read More…

30-12-16 | Food | dinner |

My favorite all season sweet potato puree

It’s time for a vegetarian recipe that is actually suited for all seasons, (because you can easily get all the products in it year round) has a great flavor and is full of ingredients that boost your body and health. Sweet potato is one of my personal favorites to have for dinner. You can prepare it in many different ways, of which one is Read More…

18-12-16 | Food | snacks |

Healthy Christmas cookies for no-guilt festive fun

It seems that holiday seasons can’t be without the typical holiday snacking. And there are two sides to this, because we love to treat ourselves with something extra during special occasions (and we should!), but we also want to stick to our healthy diets. Let me tell you: it is possible to do both! You can have some treats while sticking to your responsible eating habits by Read More…

13-12-16 | Food | snacks |

5 reasons why chocolate definitely suits a healthy lifestyle!

Oh boy, I’m oh-soooo guilty of being a chocolate freak.. Start talking about chocolate and you’ve got my full attention – lol! Chocolate has a reputation of not being the best choice in food and is in most cases even labeled unhealthy. However this is now coming to a turn, because recent studies show it isn’t that bad at all and I’m going to give you 5 reasons why Read More…

08-12-16 | Food | weight-loss |

Your body type and the perfect way to eat and train

As humans we are all so differently and unique, yet we’re all so the same. This makes it able to categorize people on different body types, based on how the body is built up. Ready to find out what your body type is and how to eat and train in order to make this work best in your favor? Read More…

01-12-16 | Food | breakfast |

Easy all-day healthy veggie omelet recipe

Looking for a healthy veggie omelet recipe that you can have for breakfast, lunch or even as part of your dinner? Then I’ve got the perfect one, because eggs can fulfill either of those! They are packed with high quality protein and that’s why they are loved by healthy freaks, but almost everyone can appreciate this type of food. Read More…

22-11-16 | Food | breakfast |

Sunday morning vibes with homemade healthy scones

Do you know that feeling of Sunday mornings with a big breakfast with your family or lover while staying in your PJ’s for as long as possible? I do and I appreciate those moments to heart, especially now winter is here! Taking your time to relax and enjoy some carefree moments is really important, and eating is often a significant part of this. When you’re pursuing a fit life, I know it Read More…

14-11-16 | MIND | happiness |

This is how I achieved my weight-loss goals! (5 tips)

Making permanent changes to your lifestyle, diet and exercise routine can be very challenging and I know it is easier said than done. However, there are ways to beat the reoccuring excuses. There are ways to transfer fear into action. And there are ways to stop saying “I wish” and start saying “I will”. Today I wanna share 5 tips that helped me to lose 15kg! Read More…