06-08-17 | Food | weight-loss |

Dietary supplements: the do’s & don’ts

Nowadays there is so much to do with dietary supplements regarding a healthy and fit lifestyle, that I can imagine it’s hard to keep a clear vision on what you really need and why. In my opinion supplements are great for adding up your micros, vitamins and minerals. But it’s important to not over-do it! In this article I will try to clarify this issue and tell you which supplements I use!

First of all girls, please know that food is always the basic to a healthy lifestyle! It is most important to be on the right track with your eating habits and once that’s the case, you can start adding supplements to give your body some extra health boosts.

Secondly, when choosing a supplement brand, make sure to go for the ones that you know use the best absorbable nutrients. It doesn’t always mean the more expensive the better, but the cheaper store brands usually try to achieve the lowest prices without looking at quality. They contain the inorganic form of the nutrients, which your body can’t absorb well and eventually won’t give you the results you want. What you need is a high quality product for a fair price, using the best materials with high doses of vitamins and minerals. These supplements won’t have unnecessary ingredients like sugar, starch or artificial flavoring. Always read the product label to know what you’re actually taking in!

There are a few dietary supplements that can be seen as a basis, which everyone can take to prevent shortcomings of essential nutrients, because even with a healthy diet it’s hard to really get enough. These basics are: multivitamins, fish oil, vitamin D3 and vitamin C. I like to really take care of my body so these four are always in my kitchen cabinet!

1. Multivitamins
Multivitamins are an easy way to get all the necessary vitamins all at once.

2. Vitamin D
You can complement your multivitamin intake with extra vitamin D (especially in the winter most people don’t have enough) for strong bones. With vitamin D always choose D3 as this works much stronger.

3. Vitamin C
Vitamin C is important to enhance your immune system.

4. Fish oil
Fish oil (omega 3 fatty acids) consists of the crucial EPA and DHA, which mostly works for your brain, heart and cardiovascular system. The reason that fish oil supplementation is necessary, is because these days the ratio omega 3 and omega 6 is totally wrong, with all kind of bad consequences.

Besides these four, there are many other supplements that can help you with certain health problems you might have or try to prevent diseases and bad body conditions. But also for fitness goals there are many supplements on the market – and NO that’s not just for bulky bodybuilders haha, also for fitchicks!

5. Dextrose
Include fast carbs to get your energy level up (like dextrose).

6. Amino acids
For example BCAA, to increase muscle recovery and prevent muscle breakdown. Dextrose and Amino acids are often added together in a pre or post-workout shake.

7. Whey and casein powder
Whey and casein protein are very popular these days to easily achieve your daily protein target (the differences and details of this I will discuss in a later article!). Creatine is also a widely used product which helps to recover quickly during the night and give you more strength while working out.

No matter which dietary supplements you take, don’t exceed the recommended dose as it can be dangerous. Also with some medication it can be harmful to use certain supplements, so if you’re on medicine then always discuss with your doctor. Remember to NEVER replace healthy food with supplements, use it only as an addition!

I hope this article gave you a better understanding to which supplements you can best take to fit your personal health goals. If you got any questions about which supplements to take, don’t hesitate to ask me! I’d be delighted to guide you to becoming the healthiest version of you 🙂

With love,

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  • Michele

    Hoi Carolina

    Ik vind je blog echt geweldig! Je hebt er een nieuwe fan bij haha! Er zijn zoveel supplementen dat ik vaak niet weet wat ik moet nemen, dus dit vind ik echt super handig. Ik had alleen nog een vraagje. Gebruik jij deze supplementen een keer op een dag? En maakt het dan ook uit wanneer je deze neemt, bijv na het sporten of na het middag eten ofzoiets?
    Heel erg bedankt! Groetjes Michele

  • Kailey

    This is an arlcite that makes you think “never thought of that!”

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