Fact: no matter how hard you train, it’s all completely worthless if you don’t provide yourself with the right nutritional support. Consuming proper nutrition is essential for you! Read now how eating enough micronutrients is essential to Read More…

Fact: no matter how hard you train, it’s all completely worthless if you don’t provide yourself with the right nutritional support. Consuming proper nutrition is essential for you! Read now how eating enough micronutrients is essential to Read More…
Oh boy, I’m oh-soooo guilty of being a chocolate freak.. Start talking about chocolate and you’ve got my full attention – lol! Chocolate has a reputation of not being the best choice in food and is in most cases even labeled unhealthy. However this is now coming to a turn, because recent studies show it isn’t that bad at all and I’m going to give you 5 reasons why Read More…
As humans we are all so differently and unique, yet we’re all so the same. This makes it able to categorize people on different body types, based on how the body is built up. Ready to find out what your body type is and how to eat and train in order to make this work best in your favor? Read More…
Time for an “awkward”, but generally recognized subject! It is something we all experience from time to time: belly bloating. Really uncomfortable but very common. There are several things you can do to prevent it, so I thought I’d share my 8 tips with you to help you feeling healthy and slim again. Read More…
Slush puppiessss! I loved these a kid and just recently I have discovered a way to treat myself on a healthy alternative and re-live the cherished memories from my childhood. Pretty sure you will want to make yourself a Watermelon-vanilla slushy this summer girls.. with a 3-ingredient only recipe! Read More…
Summer is coming and you know what that means… TIME FOR ICE CREAM! But as much as we love Magnums or those big scoops of delish gelato, I think it’s a better idea to make your own, keep it healthy and eat it more often. Let me show you how to serve yourself some sweet, healthy and easy-to-make Nutella banana ice cream with only Read More…
Now and then I do it: eating for pleasure and not out of necessity. In order to maintain my healthy lifestyle I schedule certain days where I’m allowed to eat whatever my heart, and belly, desires. It’s called a typically cheat day (or two!), but what happens after? How to bounce back after a binge? Read More…
We all know it: breakfast is the most important meal of the day! Do you feel like eating healthy in the morning but still not losing weight? There are 3 healthy breakfast mistakes that we’re not all aware of and they could even cause weight gain. Wait, what?! Yes! Today I talk about the golden rules to a high speed metabolism and fat burning first thing in the morning! Read More…