16-08-16 | Food | weight-loss |

8 tips to beat belly bloating and get back to flat

Time for an “awkward”, but generally recognized subject! It is something we all experience from time to time: belly bloating. Really uncomfortable but very common. There are several things you can do to prevent it, so I thought I’d share my 8 tips with you to help you feeling healthy and slim again.

Having a healthy diet is always very important and especially (!) very relevant when talking about how to beat belly bloating. Not eating healthy is one of the most common causes for all kinds of stomach and bowel discomforts. I always tell girls to take a closer look at what you consume daily, in order to discover the cause. Curious to see what I eat in a day to keep my body and mind healthy and happy? Check out my one-day food diary!

In addition to eating healthy, here are 8 tips to help you beat belly bloating STARTING TODAY!

  1. Eat more fiber: enough fiber is important to get your digestion to go with the flow 😉 You can find them in fruit, veggies, oats, etc. But don’t over-do or it will have the opposite effect.
  2. Don’t over-do gas producing food: beans are known to cause gassy moments, but this can also come from certain veggies (like cabbage and onions) or spicy food.
  3. Drink more water: Drinking enough is important, especially water or tea (I always make sure to have a bottle of water with me wherever I go). Leave out soda, because this will cause bloating. Herbal tea can also help to make bloating go away faster.
  4. Cut back on sweeteners: When you are trying to eat healthy, you might go for the artificial sweeteners instead of sugar. Sometimes a good option, but too much of this can cause bloating, gas production and diarrhea. When you are craving for some sweetness, rather choose a piece of fruit.
  5. Control your portions: Try not to eat until you are fully stuffed, but always leave some room to create a better digestion process.
  6. Eat slow: Eating too fast will make you to swallow air, which gives you a full and bloated feeling. Make sure to eat slow and chew well, to make it easier for your body to break down the food.
  7. Leave out certain combos: Some people tend to react heavily on certain combinations of food, like eating fruit together with protein. If this is the case, consume these foods separate.
  8. Go to your doctor: Do you keep getting bloated even with the tips above? Then you might have a food allergy or intolerance. Go see your doctor and ask for being tested for this. Better safe than sorry!

I truly believe the above 8 tips will help you to get rid of those uncomfortable moments and beat belly bloating. Just give it a try to make some adjustments to your diet and lifestyle and don’t forget: give your body some time to react positively! Your body is unique and we all need a personal treatment, so please pay some attention to finding your personal solution.

Do you have other good tips that help you prevent or relieve bloating? Please share! 🙂

With love,

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  • Lindsey

    Hele fijne blog dit lieverd! Ben het ook helemaal eens met jou bovenstaande tips & denk ook zeker dat dit hier de beste opties zijn om uit te proberen bij “foodbaby problems” hihi,…

    Bij mij werkt dit namelijk ook allemaal & zodra ik iets eet wat m’n buikje onprettig vindt (in vettt gebakken frietjes met mayo ofzo haha) once in a while; merk ik het direct!
    Goede voedselcombinaties is ook erg goed voor me om toe te passen, vooral eiwitten (proteinshake of eieren bijv.) met fruit in een maaltijd vind m’n buikje niet chill!

    So thanks again for sharing your tips girl!

  • Lindsey

    Onderste helft van m’n bericht:

    Hoop dat alles goed gaat met jou meis??!

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